
Showing posts from July, 2022
 Being as every problem on Earth is based on the fact there are too many people, this may be a very valid idea. Darwin's simple plan worked well for millions of years until we screwed it up trying to save everyone's life. Now look at the genetic mess we have made! Mother Nature is doing her best to slow us down with pestilence, famine, mentally ill shooters, war, drugs, etc. With no other natural predators, we are forced into self-predation. It is high time we prune this bush and skim the genetic pool! This would be a great first step. I am even saying this while knowing I would be a prime example of the kind of people who would be first to perish in a Darwinian scenario. I have no native intelligence or skills that would further the welfare and stability of the herd. But being a parasite of the herd, I do have an investment in its general health and robustness. 
Never give up on true love! It may be closer than you think! It took me 3 marriages and 60 years to find the perfect mate!  
 If they could only get this all in a pill that would require no effort or discipline! They would make a fortune! They have been trying for decades.....
Of course, the other side of that equation is you need people to be milled into cogs for any society to function efficiently. Someone has to keep the wheels greased. Or be the wheel grease. The majority of folks aren't capable of thinking for themselves anyway, nor would they enjoy it, and love being submissive. Just give them a good dose of vapid pop culture during their downtime and they will be just fine. If they get too uppity, we have psychotropic drugs and legal pot to keep them plodding along pulling the drayage. Hey, I like this system. It enables algae like me to live between the cracks. Not a huge Chomsky fan, but he hits on something occasionally. Ironically, he is the perfect example of what he complains about here, a professional state sponsored academic. He became a multi-millionaire from criticizing the system that made him one of its wealthy elites. He has never known any life outside of the ivory tower, as his parents were of that caste also. He got into college at
  Rollins was always my least favorite Black Flag singer, even though I always really thought of it as Greg Ginn's band and vision with just a cast of supporting and revolving characters. Even by '81 punk rock hard started to get codified and lost some of its original 'Sturm und Drang' and I associate Rollins with that period. But, Like Bowie, Zappa, Manson, etc. I appreciate his observations on pop culture more than his musical contributions, though at times Rollins reminds me of Ethel Merman on the Tonight Show in the Carson years bellowing about his past glory and telling name-dropping showbiz stories. Ironically, Rollins has made a career out of going back to a previous way of life and thinking. His book "Get in the Van" about his years with Black Flag is a great piece of writing and captures that era perfectly. No one can question Rollin's intelligence. You can't argue with his success either. Henry has a practically Calvinistic work ethic and is
 A democratic republic is a form of government that depends on a rational citizenry capable of compromise and navigating gray areas. Those days may be gone for the USA. That is why I stay clear of partisan political posts on Facebook. No matter what the political position, I can see kernels of truth and intrinsic flaws in all of them, or at least the roots of their origin and what they are a reaction against. I gave up a long time ago trying to instigate any serious political dialogue on Facebook. It isn't going to happen, as it will require too many words in a row to contemplate for a population with an average attention span of 12 seconds. Hey, I am not complaining. I was born and came of age at the very pinnacle of USA power and dominance as an empire. Empires come and go, bloom, fruit, and rot regularly in human history. I believe technology just speeds up the process. Thousand-year empires may be a phenomenon of the past. A couple of hundred years might be all the mileage we g