I can tell this is historically from when people were wrangling over Obamacare by the symbol on the little pudgy guy's shirt at the bottom. The older I get, the less partisan politically I have become, but this still makes a very good point. No medical system, either capitalistic or socialistic, will work very well without an element of self-responsibility. Far too many medical resources are consumed by disease that would not even exist except for poor lifestyle choices. Imagine the resources that would be opened up for the people with real diseases they have no control over if everyone just took some effort to be responsible for their own well-being instead of running to the doctor for the latest questionable pill or therapy. 

That hit me today as I was grocery shopping and drove by McDonalds at breakfast time. There was a line of people at the drive through, all with their masks on while ordering whatever people eat at McDonalds for breakfast. Then in the store I saw a woman weighing in at about three bills I am guessing, with a cart filled to the brim with every processed,  chemically laden, and nutritionally dead factory food product imaginable. Rarely does one hear anything about building up your immunity system in the media.....



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