The 'Catch 22' of all political systems in reality. The U.S. Constitution does about as good a job in dealing with this problem as possible with term limits and the balancing of power between three distinct branches of government. But we are still left with the problem of the deviant psychologically of the kind of people who desire to be president. Not to mention the crippling  stress and addictive power of the office itself once they get elected. That is the juice they are after. That is why politicians always campaign as just being 'one of the people'. They are never really 'one the people' and don't believe it for a moment. They know they are superior to the people and that is why they are boss. Some are better actors than others for sure, but how anyone can get through listening to any presidential speech without getting a little queasy is a mystery to me. As another old saying goes: "Politics is just showbiz for ugly people." 


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