More AI wisdom generated by a computer courtesy of InspiroBot. AI seems to be coming up with all the best quotes lately.

I find myself ignoring more of the world lately. There is so much chatter and noise as to be distracting. One experience that will always stick in my mind was the time immediately after the 89' Loma Prieta  Earthquake in Santa Cruz, CA. Everything was so quiet. It made me realize that we were normally surrounded by an electric hum all the time in addition to all the other noises of civilization. You could actually hear yourself think. It felt good. That stuck with me and was one of my major motivations of moving to the high desert where I could duplicate that environment easily. Peace and quiet is beginning to be a rare commodity. I know it makes a lot of people nervous to be without something being fed to them aurally all day long. I see people with the earbuds on my walks, oblivious to the beauty of the ambient sounds all around them. That is really the best music in the world. That is the music of the world.....



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