One of my favorite modern quotes. I always thought Huxley's 'Brave New World' was closer to our modern reality than Orwell's '1984' turned out to be. However, 'Brave New World' was written way before WW2 and '1984' after, so Orwell had the Nazi to use as a model that was fresh in everyone's mind. Technology has kind of swept Orwell's style of   totalitarianism into the dustbin of history.

This quote is easy to understand. Social media provides us all with our own little media outlet now. We can become mini celebrities, akin to Warhol's idea that everyone will be famous for 15 minutes in our celebrity soaked culture. Everyone wants to feel relevant and connected in this existential void we call life, whether it be posting a "Which Dumbass Are You" type quiz, pictures of our precious kitties, or the latest meme of the week(currently Bernie Sanders wearing mittens). And the cost is light, delivering you to targeted advertisers. We are an oyster bed being cultivated and harvested.

I recall seeing Zuckerberg testifying before Congress. It was obvious the Congress folks did not have a clue about Facebook's business model and how it worked. The look on Zuckerberg's face and demeanor were priceless. I think even he was shocked at the ignorance of how social media worked among our leaders. Ironically, probably the biggest obstacle for 'Big Brother' these days is social media. The Right and Left both hate Zuckerberg and use his own platform 24/7 to complain about it, the ultimate in surreality. That means to me he is doing something very right.....


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