This quote is the real deal from a speech, instead of the bogus 'death bed' quote that made the round a few years ago on social media. I remember when I first read that one and immediately looked it up because it just didn't jive with how Jobs would have sounded to my mind. Sure enough, it was something someone made up. It was the usual stuff about how wealth doesn't matter and all that really matters is friends and family, etc., etc., etc. It was way to cute and cuddly for a persona like Jobs. According to his sister Jobs's real last words were "OH WOW, OH WOW, OH WOW!" Somehow I find that way more comforting than some deathbed oratory that read like a bad Hallmark card.

Now this one is the real quote taken from Job's commencement address to the graduating class of Stanford in 2005 and one of my favorites. Usually it takes a lifetime to learn this lesson and it is often too late to put it into practice by then. Death is the great equalizer. 


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