Unfortunately partial and half truths are by far the most common form of pragmatic truth, especially in politics. No matter what the political philosophy, left, right, center, or fringe, there are often kernels of pragmatic truth stuck between between the hyperbole and ideology. The insidious part comes into play when people coat those kernels of pragmatic truths with exaggerations, lies, and unknowns. Pragmatic political truth is always nuanced and painted in shades of gray. It never fits comfortably in the confines of a meme or a slogan, no matter how clever and cute. Social media is the perfect medium for spreading half and partial truths. We are carpet bombed daily with half and partial truths.

I make a distinction between pragmatic truth and ultimate truth. Pragmatic truth is what gets us through the day. It is forever changing with circumstance. Ultimate truth is unknowable. If anyone comes up to you saying they know the ultimate truth, hang on to your wallet and run away as fast as possible. They are either delusional or con artists, often both. If they are wearing robes or vestments, run faster.....


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