Never was much into possessions. They always seemed like a burden and extra weight to me. My last marriage exposed me to a little possessive consumer culture philosophy. My wife's euphemism was calling it 'having nice things'. Was happy when that period of my life wrapped up. I am content with having just a few bad things, and that is more than most people have on this planet. I have the luxury of being a selective minimalist. A good portion of the Earth's population have it thrust upon them in much harsher realities.

The most satisfaction I get now is in creating something where nothing was before. I have no artistic talent to speak of, but some of my favorite artists and musicians don't have a whole lot either. But what they do have is interesting personas and individual vision, and for me that beats technique and craft every time. If the person isn't interesting, whatever they create won't interest me either. The value is in making something that expresses your personal vision. Anything beyond that is commerce. Then art just becomes another possession.


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