Sunday's computer generated wisdom from AI. 

Actually there is some accidental wisdom here. Compassion and empathy served without intelligence and rationality can be very damaging, even dangerous. I learned that lesson the hard way on the mean  streets of Detroit. 'Compassion Vampires' were everywhere, sucking every drop of empathy out of you, then fucking you in the ass on the way out the door. I saw graduate levels of applied psychology being used daily by people who were basically illiterate otherwise. The secret the scammers know is that everyone wants to feel virtuous and giving and to provide that emotional rush using acting ability and story telling skills They played on people's heart strings like Jascha Heifetz played the fiddle. I became pretty hardened after awhile, but also gained tremendous skill in distinguishing between the truly needy and the scam artists, and often that was difficult to do. Those folks were consummate professionals. That is one reason why government programs rarely work in urban environments. They get picked apart and scavenged to the bone before they reach the ones they could honestly help....


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