You can always tell when they are just out to pick a fight by the wording of the comments. There are trigger words that subtlety translate into personal attacks. I at least try to see if I can glean a semblance of logical or rational thought I can respond too, no matter what their motive. Ideologues have a hard time with logic or rationality though. Everything is first filtered through whatever party line they subscribe to. In their world there is only black and white hats, where in reality it is all painted in shades of gray.

My response when I know I have reached an intellectual dead end is the infamous "Yeah, you are probably right." That simple line works on so many different levels. Haven't used it much lately, as my wall is pretty much a self-cleaning oven with regards to ideologues. Plus I take no ideological stance personally as a rule, so arguing with me gets difficult because I am not a clear target. I will 'rope a dope' you until you punch yourself out.....




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