Another realization upon turning 70 has been I have thrived in the 'Borderlands' my entire life, both physically and metaphorically. Ironically, the people I feel the least connected to and comfortable around are my own tribe, middle class suburban whites. I have been running to the fringes ever since I escaped high school. I prefer living in places where ethnic cultures bump together. It provides a more vivid and interesting palette to paint one's life with. That's where the juice is.

From an American Indian wife, if you called her a Native American she would have slapped you, to immersing myself South of 8 Mile in Detroit, to working and becoming close friends with Haitians in Florida, and many more examples of fleeing my roots. This pattern just occurred to me lately in my life review. I am in the sweet spot now in New Mexico and feel it deep in my bones. This is home.....


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