Blathering on about things one knows little about is the mother's milk of Facebook, and I would include myself in that equation at times.

I pretty much stay clear of commenting on political posts anymore. The most ignorant commenters will always have the advantage without the moderation of a formal debate. Once a thread is dragged down to their level it will never recover. Ideologues see everything in black and white in a world painted in grays. I don't need the grief and frustration.

A woman down the street from me has her whole car covered in political bumper stickers. She is always ready for a fight when one walks by. She will bait you with a biased politically charged statement to see if you are friend or foe. I always reply with my standard, "Yeah, you're probably right." That works both verbally and as a written statement.

If you can express your political position with a bumper sticker or in a meme, perhaps it is time to pause and reflect.....



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