My continued observations on turning 70......

It took me well over 50 years, but I am finally a hip 'minimalist'. I went from "You live like a hippie bum." in my early 20's, to my last wife's lament "You just don't appreciate having nice things." in my late 50's. 

I am sure I was influenced by having a brother who was a horrible hoarder, and parents that weren't too far behind. Plus I lived such a bohemian lifestyle that I never was in a place long enough to collect much debris. Traveling light just became a way of life.

I tried to hunt down a more humorous and satirical meme for this post but couldn't find any I liked. I fear this cliched quote about 'experience vs. things' will have to do. The irony is the majority of the illustrations about minimalism feature million dollar property in hip urban neighborhoods all painted white with a couple of pieces of designer furniture and abstract art that probably cost more than my yearly income. My minimalism is closer to resembling a prison cell. Minimalism is kind of a joke in this country anyway, just a version of upscale virtue signaling. As my Haitian workmates in Florida said when I explained the term to them, "Tell all your minimalist friends to move to Haiti and we will teach them how it is done." 

I am glad that is a habit I picked up though. So many people my age are drowning in possessions, aka unnecessary junk. At least I won't leave a mess when I check out.....


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