This week's computer generated wisdom from AI.

I am thinking that is a pretty good bet if what I am seeing around me is any indication. I always wonder what people are thinking who wear masks alone in their cars or cross the road when approaching you outside on a huge sidewalk. The odds are higher they will get hit by a car than catching the virus. I have a feeling there will be a percentage of people who will be wearing masks from here on out, no matter how the virus plays out.

One of my morbid hobbies is checking out the local police 'Inmates Online' website every evening to see who was arrested and for what. The gun crime and domestic violence has skyrocketed during this pandemic. The last few generations in the USA have lived through relatively benign times and do not handle stress well. It is beginning to remind me of the movie 'The Crazies'. I can detect an atmosphere of mass psychosis brewing along with a well deserved distrust of the media and political institutions. Throw in atrophied attention spans and the death of linear logic, and we may have the recipe for the perfect storm. Just kidding, everything will be fine.

Come on, baby, let's keep the wheels on this thing for awhile longer! I am enjoying my golden years.....


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