Of course, "Love means never having to say you're sorry." was the catch phrase from the movie 'Love Story', required viewing for all Boomers back in the day. It was my first wife's favorite flick, which should have been warning enough, but it was a different age. Her being told all the time that she looked like Ali MacGraw didn't help. She even started to mimic the plucky character MacGraw played in the film, which became incredibly irritating. Unfortunately, I did not model myself after Ryan O'Neal's character and neither of us had a terminal illness to wrap it up tearfully romantic. Instead, we got married and started dying slowly. I often wonder at how many doomed marriages were inspired by that horrendous movie.

Now Ryan O'Neal's and Ali Macgraw's own love life was closer to reality. They were both drug fueled train wrecks, scattering lovers and damaged children behind them like litter. Ali is my neighbor up the road a piece in New Mexico, in the rich movie star part. She is going to be 83 this year. Roll that one around your head, fellow Boomers! Maybe I will go up and ask her for a date. She may be desperate by now....


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