Whatever area of the brain that is responsible for processing mathematical equations was stillborn in me. Four years of flunking 'Intro to Algebra' in high school proved it. I finally got a D in 'Consumer Math', the class they had for mouth breathers to get their math requirement out of the way. The sad part is I was really applying myself too. I wanted to be good at math and science, but they just didn't find a fertile place to incubate between my ears. I originally wanted to be an Astronomer, but that dream was aborted early. 

The other sad aspect was I had no aptitude for art or music either, even though I hid out in the art classes for easy grades. They only area I could bullshit my way through was social studies, the ultimate in subjective disciplines. I decided early on I would become a 'Generalist', knowing a little bit about everything, and not very much about anything. If I could not live a productive life, I would live an interesting one, emphasizing experience above accomplishment. From 18 on I approached life more as a hobby than anything else, something to dabble in and experiment with. I was into virtual reality before it became a thing. It has worked out well. I may suck at math, but I am a great Quantum Mechanic.


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