I actually hope all the conspiracy theories about a Deep State and a New World Order shadow government are true. I look at the politicians running the country these last few years and it makes me a little nervous. We have literally had two presidents in a row who were incapable of constructing a sentence you could diagram. The Trump and Biden debate was unwatchable, way too scary and disturbing. I would like to think someone is in charge. Now I realize politicians have never been our brightest and best, or do they really need to be. It is basically showbiz for ugly folks. Truly intelligent and creative people are usually drawn to different professions. Hopefully we can fill those roles with halfway capable bureaucrats with at least a room temperature IQ who won't fuck up too often. I will take a self-preserving sociopath over a dumb narcissist channeling Mussolini or a dead eyed, dazed and confused dementia patient any day. When we look back nostalgically upon Obama and Bush as great statesmen, you know the bar has been lowered. All empires end, often as a result of their own success. Even the best piece of fruit rots at the end of the day.



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