There is a distinct difference between 'scientific method' and 'scientism'. "Believe the science.", "Follow the science.", "Science is truth.", and on and on. I see these platitudes all day long in the media. You could replace the word science with Jesus and not miss a beat. 'Scientism' even has a professional class of clergy from the 'showbiz' division of science in the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye the science guy, the late Cosmos Carl 'billions and billions' Sagan, and many more from the world of vapid TV entertainment. The one thing they all do possess is enough 'I am the smartest guy in the room' smugness to irritate me right off the bat. Taking observations on science from someone who wears ties and vests depicting the solar system always makes me a little skeptical.

The other problem is the politization and monetization of science. It is almost a catch 22, as science these days requires huge sums of capital, both politically and monetarily. Plus, jumping in and out of Pfizer and Moderna made me enough to buy a really nice ride when the time comes. I set up a special car fund in my Charles Schwab Account just to screw around with the COVID stocks. Gifts that telegraph themselves like that are rare in the stock market, but all the classic signs of a 'pump and dump' were there. 

I miss the great quotes of the real scientists like Einstein, Bohr, Feynman, and many others whose words still captured the awe, mystery, and unknowable aspects of our physical reality in humble tones. We have lost something along the way and replaced it with a rigid academic orthodoxy. As I have brought up before, when I am president, before anyone is awarded a PhD in any field, they will be required to take 500 mics of pure Lysergic Acid to clean the brain ducks of any residual allergic dust deposited by academia.

I have this gut feeling we may be on the very cusp of a huge paradigm shift in consciousness, a quantum leap perhaps, pun intended. More likely it is just me feeling the paradigm shift of aging and rounding the last bend.


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