More wisdom generated by AI. Humans just don't make memorable quotes like they used to. I am finding machine generated quotes to be more thoughtful and intelligent. Speaking of.

The first thing one learns in studying United States governmental political science is presidents don't have near the power the general public believes they do. That is how our government was designed, to dilute that power of the executive branch and keep despots at bay. In many ways presidents are the head cheerleader for their respective parties, the showbiz division of politics. They do have the bully pulpit, a term popularized by the king of populist U.S. presidents, Theodore Roosevelt, who used his very successfully. They set the tone and reflect the aspirations of the country ideally. If I believed the last two Presidents in office had as much power as we are led to believe, I would be a little nervous, but they don't. The true power lies deep within entrenched bureaucracies that evolve and change much more slowly than our elections cycles would suggest. We only have the vaguest conception of the names and faces that really call the shots. 

I will always think of Trump as our first 'virtual' President, for sure he qualifies as the most surreal in my lifetime. An egotistical buffoon who does not have a clue about the Constitution, basic morality, or the sweep of history and our country's place in it. He was really elected as a rebellion against the crop of poll worshipping, gutless politician weenies that society has spawned for a couple generations now. But he does know how to work a crowd and stay the center of attention. Trump thrives on chaos and short attention spans. He was the Tik Tok president. His enemies haven't seemed to figure that out yet and feed him daily with his life blood. I have been hearing about the 'end of Trump' for years now. He is like the Terminator. As the old saying goes, never wrestle in the mud with a pig, you both get dirty, and the pig enjoys it.

And on the other side we have poor old Uncle Joe Biden, the antithesis of Trump, a worn-out hack politician who was not even the sharpest tool in the shed during his prime. They had to run him because they had no other viable candidates, as all the other were running to the left and no way would they win. The hope was a return to some sense of normalcy, and that hasn't panned out. As a stutterer and former CNA who worked in a dementia lockdown unit, I can assure you Biden has something going on bad and getting worse daily and they will not allow him to run in '24, if he even lasts that long. His brain is on fire and the pressure and stress of being president just amplifies that. I can't even bear to hear him speak. I have seen and heard that cadence many a time and know the look out of his eyes by heart. I am guessing they have him pumped up on quite a cocktail of dementia drugs to see if they can keep his head halfway screwed on straight until '24. And Kamala is just a black Hillary, frosty, unlikeable, and can't keep a staff. They will not run her either and win.

This is the first time in my life I don't see any potential presidential candidates on the horizon. I never thought I would see the day when I would look back on George 'Dubya' Bush as an articulate leader and statesman. The bar has been lowered. We may be wrapping it up. Having said that, I don't believe Trump can ever be elected again either. Even some of his supporters are weary of the constant drama and the age argument can be used against him too by '24. We well may get a fresh slate of presidential candidates this time around. I do miss hearing a president that can speak a sentence you can diagram.


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