
Showing posts from January, 2023
 I remember this thought crossing my mind when I drove a cab in Hollywood whenever I picked up an 'actress' between gigs, aka a hooker. So many believed their own bullshit. True that Hollywood is a town built on bullshit, but there is very little room at the top of the pile. I would hear stories all night long about the 'big breaks' just around the corner. Plus, all the Johns that posed as producers, agents, and studio honchos hoping to get a free blowjob. You will never find a place with anymore delusional people per square mile. So many times I was tempted to use the above quote, but I never broke character in my role as a cabbie. I was there for collecting experiences, not offering career advice. They would either get tough and age fast walking the Track or get on that Greyhound headed back to Kansas. 
 One of the few beauties of the so-called golden years is the beginning of the dissolution of the ego. As Jobs brought up, much of that is based on realizing how fast time is moving and death is on the horizon. So many things that seemed so important earlier on in life start to look silly at this stage of the game. That is actually a very freeing state. I can honestly say this has been the very best period of my life, and I have had some great ones. 
 Though not a huge fan of organized religion. Once robes and collars get involved, they tend to mess up. However, here is a pragmatic flow chart should you be searching for a new church to belong too. I believe I would personally go with the magical underwear. That sounds kind of exciting!
Though not a huge Tolle fan, he does broach an interesting subject here. Actually, I have felt I was caught in a no man's land between two worlds most of my life. I have noticed my ego dying off as I age, though I am not quite sure this is an awakening as much as it is just being tired of life's trivial crap. The things that seemed so important in youth and middle age are starting to look sillier these days. Nothing really bothers me lately. I live each day as a separate life. If I see another sunset at the end of the day, I'm good.....