This one from Aldous Huxley, the original Acid head and Taos, NM denizen for a while. His book 'Doors of Perception' was required hippie reading in the 60's and how the Doors got their name. Unfortunately, Aldous checked out just seven hours after JFK got his brains splattered across Dallas, so Huxley's death kind of got screwed over in the memorable obituary department and didn't make it to the front page that day.

My history of consciously pursuing happiness is pretty brief. There was a short time in my last marriage during my eight-year experiment of being 'normal' that I was attempting to buy happiness. I was working hard, making money, and being an adult to the best of my ability. Bought my first new car, owned a couple of homes, went on cruises regularly, and all the other trappings of the Amercian Dream. I lost sight of land for a while, but it was educational and purposeful, and I learned a lot about the economics of happiness. I actually already knew this on a gut level, but I am glad I had my nose rubbed into it too. 

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