Add to that the phenomenon of memories becoming more 'golden' with age. I have never been much for nostalgia. I am pretty good about remembering the bad times from any particular era too. One habit I do have is I like to review where I was in life decade by decade ago from whatever date it is today, hence 2012, 2002, 1992, etc. I posted many of these remembrances on Facebook when my page was a more happening place. I try and think of the lessons I learned from that particular time and how they relate to my present life. I will also see if I can hunt down people from those years using all the searching technologies that we have at our disposal today. More and more are ending up dead.

One thing that habit has taught me is the little things in life that can have tremendous affect at pivoting one's life completely around. Some of the most insignificant incidences of my life turned out to have huge consequences in retrospect. And how negatives can turn into positives and visa/versa with time and perspective. The older I get I am realizing the difference between good times and bad times is pretty thin. They are really just times at the end of the day. I have found the best strategy is to live as close to now as possible. Hard to drive forward by only looking in the review mirror, and until we reach another paradigm in either consciousness or physics, I fear life is a one-way street.
This quote is from James M. Barrie, the author of Peter Pan, a character I have based my life on with great success.


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