My cover photo of the Buddhist kids playing with guns got such a wide range of response that it got me curious as to the Dali Lama's official stance on self-defense with firearms. I was surprised, but this quote has been vetted and is legit. It was addressing the present-day phenomenon of school shooters and had been asked him by a high school student in Portland, OR. Now it does have another part not included in this quote and that is: "Not at the head, where a fatal wound might result. But at some other body part, such as a leg." Actually, that is horrible advice. Even if you aim for center mass you will probably either miss or hit someone in their arm or leg. The police position is even more humanely Buddhist than the Dali Lama's, as in if you aren't going for deadly force don't even fire your gun. Trying to wing someone will just increase your odds of being killed or injuring or killing an innocent bystander. That only works if you are Roy Rogers. I added a satirical meme in comments with the Dali Lama giving us a little more practical advice for self-defense.

To be fair, the Dali Lama doesn't make a living on his personal weapons expertise. He has a fully armed contingent of guards around him 24/7, as he should have. He is really as much a political leader as a religious one and needs some real pragmatic protection. I also linked the Snopes article on this quote that has some interesting observations on Buddhism and how its relationship to pacifism has been filtered and inflated through Western culture. There is an element of Buddhism being style over substance in the West. My cover photo in question can really be looked at as a Buddhist Koan. Kids will be kids, saffron robes or not. 



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