I know my definition and perception of what intelligence is has changed with experience and age. The first illusion to fall was academic intelligence. Some of the dumbest people I ever met were at the University of California, both professors and students. I even recall at the time thinking, "Man, if this is the cream of the crop, our future is fucked." That has even somewhat played out over the years since then in our society. I believe one part of that equation is the academic route is fairly static, going from one degree to another in a cloistered environment without much real-world abstraction, distraction, grit, or acquired street smarts. There is a reason it is called an ivory tower. On the other end, some of the smartest people I have ever met were cabbies, hookers, and real estate agents. You learn psychology, economics, and many other disciplines in very pragmatic ways and sometimes with great urgency. 

It is very easy to anthropomorphize our furry little mammal friends and assign them intelligent traits filtered through our human eyes. I have had many a dog and cat I have done this with. But I believe I have learned more about animal intelligence from my many years living with Urtles, my Yellow Footed Amazon Tortoise. Reptiles and amphibians are more alien to us than our warm blooded, cuddly fur babies. Lizards are shifty, frogs are slimy, toads give you warts, and snakes got demonized in the Bible, literally. Turtles and tortoises somewhat got spared that fate culturally. They have a slow and cute demeaner that lends itself to cartoons and childrens' books. For sure Urtles has always been a big hit with kids and adults alike and will steal the thunder of the cutest kitten in the room instantly. 

When one is around a fellow creature from their early 30's to their early 70's it starts to mean something. Urtles has been a constant in my life who has been there through many variables. What Urtles lacks in warm and cuddly he more than makes up for in durability and life lessons. His simple, unruffled presence and lifestyle is a constant inspiration for me. Urtles is the perfect Zen Master, always present in the now with no wasted hyper emotion. I have seen him stare at a wall for hours without flinching. It is true he would eat me instantly if he was the size of a VW bug, no matter how well I have cared and protected him over the years. There is a certain beauty to that level of honesty too. 


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