Be careful what you wish for and never feed a dragon.

I usually stay clear of political posts, but this issue is so pertinent to something I have been mulling over for several years now. I have seen several memes about Trump blowing his stack because he has been kicked off the Colorado State Ballot. I am guessing there is actually nothing he likes better than this development. Trump thrives on chaos and disruption. He is a sociopathic narcissist that craves attention, and he knows how to get it and turn it into power. His picture shows up on the daily news more than any other political player or celebrity and has for years now. Want to destroy Trump? Ignore him. Drop all cases against him and he will scream alone into the night. I am betting he would lose any Presidential bid bigtime, even against a dementia patient like Biden, if we just let Trump rot on the vine. We give him the power of our attention.

I am not too concerned about Trump being the new incarnation of Hitler. We are always trotting out new Hitlers for a spin around the news cycle. We are not the fragile post WW1 German Weimer Republic and live in a very different world and society. Plus, Hitler was a way sharper guy than Trump. We still live under a very robust form of government with enough checks and balances to hold together for a bit longer. The people populating government are the main problem today, but the system itself makes radical change difficult to accomplish. That was how it was designed. The wheels may not stay on much longer. I am actually fairly amazed it has hung together this long. It was one of the reasons I never wanted kids. The cracks were showing up way back in the 60's. We are possibly too big a country now for a Constitutional Republic to work. Just give me ten years or so and I will be happy.


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