Though there might be philosophical and scientific arguments on what constitutes reality, I believe we can all pretty much agree on the everyday 'stub your toe on the furniture while going to pee at night' classical Newtonian Physics version for all practical purposes. It is hard to think too esoterically about the true nature of reality until the pain recedes. 

I drank and smoked pot for many years and took my share of psychedelics. I don't believe there is a drug I haven't experimented with at least once, outside of all these newfangled ones they have on the street now, which would appear to just turn one into a zombie from my anecdotal observations.  I don't regret it either. If I had not, I would have always been curious about missing those experiences.  I seem to have managed to get through without any major perceivable damage. I know many who didn't. 
I will even entertain the notion that psychedelics can open the door to new levels of perception that permanently alter the way you see things from then on, though I prescribe to the theory of when you get the message, hang up the phone.  Microdosing psychedelics seems to me like the very worse use of them. Take a 250-mic dose of Acid, blow out the pipes, hope for no permanent psychological damage, and move on. And pot has just become the new beer in our culture, a capitalistic product to make crappy pop culture more palatable, and a lot of the medicinal use of marijuana hype has a patent medicine sideshow feel to it somehow with a colorful drive-through 'Medical Dispensary' on every corner now. The green crosses are a nice, comical touch. I will stick with meditation from here on out. I don't need any more visions. I have plenty of old ones to sort out as it is. 


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