In the 80's teen dances became a big deal at the Santa Cruz Civic. The reality was disco never really died, and the dance shows in the 80's were just the bridge between 70's disco and 90's raves. Punk rock had already kind of died out and condensed into a more codified hardcore scene. Most all the big bands of the day also issued a 12" dance single for these DJ driven events.

They could be very profitable too. No huge sound system requirements, light security costs, just one union stage hand instead of a crew. And DJ's were way cheaper than bands and all of them were dying to work the Civic. Throw up a couple of cheesy light effects and you were in business. Parents also felt safer sending their kids to a dance than some degenerate live band show.

I had booked a Winter date way ahead at the Civic for myself to throw one of these. As the date got closer a potential problem was brewing. Soquel High School, my alma mater, looked like they were that years 'Cinderella' team and headed to some playoffs. They had one playoff game with the Salinas Cowboys and if they won that one if would send them to some championship game the very same night as my dance and probably kill my profit margin as kids went to that game instead of my dance. Soquel was a huge part of the audience for these dances.

Now I had never been to a football game in all my four years of high school. I always looked at high school as a form of prison and just did what I needed to do to get out, and barely that. But this was one game I had to see live and Salinas had to win or I could lose some big bucks. It was going to be played at Cabrillo college right down the street from me, so I went. I could not stand not knowing about it till the next day.

I arrived at the stadium and instinctively set on the Soquel side. I had never been to a football game in my life. That turned into a psychologically uncomfortable position when I was really rooting for the other side. I switched over to the Salinas side. Luckily the Salinas Cowboys demolished the Soquel Knights, and I cheered every play they made against my old school. I actually had fun! I even bought a little Salinas Cowboys' flag on the way out that I kept on my Civic desk. I was a disgrace to my Blue and Gold roots, but at least a disgrace with some money still in his pocket.....


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