When I was a little kid back in the mid 50's in San Jose there was an older woman who lived a couple of houses down who reminded me of Granny in the Sylvester and Tweety Pie cartoons. The reality was I am sure she was not all that old as much as I was so young. Everyone seems ancient when you are a kid. For one thing I remember her hair being dyed bright red and she always wore big Mumu's. I also am thinking she was possibly drunk quite a bit. I seem to remember her always having a glass of something in her hand and acting quite jolly.

All the kids in the neighborhood would hang out at her house. It wasn't like our houses. It was a big mess with shit piled everywhere. She actually had a tuxedo Sylvester the Cat clone and a yellow parakeet, so the stage was set for a Looney Toon. She was very dramatic and entertained us kids with stories as she flited about her house. I recall guys being there once in awhile too, possibly boyfriends.

One day an ambulance came and took her away. When we knocked on her door the next day a man answered. I wasn't sure who he was, maybe a boyfriend, but he set all us kids down and explained she had died. I remember him being very nice and patient with us. That was the first time I think I ever thought about death and I remember how strange I felt at that moment still. I knew things died by then, but I had just never had it face to face. I went out and set on the curb to absorb this information. There was a wind blowing and I could hear a steel tether ball clasp banging up against a pole as I was contemplating the concept of death seriously for the first time. I can still hear that clanging as clear as a bell..... 


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