Facebook was unrolled 20 years ago today as a social media platform shared by a few Havard students. Roll that one around your head. I assumed it was much older than that for some reason, but I have noticed age has played with my sense of time passing. I also seem to be getting terrible of guessing people's ages lately. Everyone is 10 to 20 years older than I guess they are. 

Either way, no doubt FB captured the zeitgeist of these times perfectly, though it appears to be fraying around the edges and becoming an 'old folks' social media platform as younger generations attention spans atrophy under the increasingly speedy assault of AI. In the 14 years I have been on here I have definitely noticed a dumbing down in the posting and commenting. I am always amazed at how much more thoughtful commenting was when older posts pop up in memories. We are getting dumber as AI is getting smarter. To the victor goes the spoils. 


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