Ten years ago today was the very first time more people in the USA accessed the internet with mobile devices than they did desktop computers. I am sure in another 10 years we will be seeing the first day more people accessed the internet with the Neurolink chip implanted in their brain than they did with smartphones.

2014 was about the time when I was beginning to notice a real drop with people writing on Facebook. Memes and video clips had taken over, and comments got shorter and more filled with emoticons. It was getting harder to engage people with any depth on posts. Now it kind of makes sense. I know a few people are getting frustrated with me because I can't be texted easily and evidently talking on the phone is passe, which always seems strange to me. What could be higher tech than talking to someone on a phone? Just having a laptop works for me though. I like not being tethered to a smart phone 24/7 and there is a certain comforting formality to sitting in front of a full keyboard to write. I was raised in a home where we were always a few years behind in pop technology. We were the very last to get a TV and my parents never could quite figure out how a remote worked. I still don't quite understand the definition of 'streaming' and was startled and amazed a few days ago when I saw someone talking to their TV and it obeyed them! By now I am used to the look of people that come into my house and see a 5 ft. Virgen of Guadalupe statue where a TV should be. I am a Luddite at heart.

Don't get me wrong though, I love the internet, all that knowledge at your fingertips, how easy it makes paying bills, shopping, keeping in touch, etc. Social technology has way more pluses than minuses.  Plus, I love to write, and social media gives me a place to put it, even if no one really reads it. To paraphrase Bukowski, I don't write for fame or fortune, I write to remain sane. 


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