335 million people in the United States, and this is the best we can do?

I don't post a lot of political posts, as I am not a real partisan at heart, but this Presidential election is beginning to feel a little surreal. These are my observations on these two candidates. Hey, at least it won't be a canned political 'bad guy/good guy' meme written by a 3rd party. There will be something for everyone here to love and hate. Just concentrate on the parts you like and forget the rest. That is what most people do anyway.

Biden: As a lifelong stutterer and having worked in a lockdown dementia unit as a CNA, I can assure you Joe is suffering from dementia, and it is progressing fast. I know the look in the eye and gait by heart. Blaming his verbal stumbling on stuttering isn't cutting it. Looking at any old videos of Biden shows he was very verbose and fairly articulate. He was never the sharpest tool in the shed, but he was the perfect running mate for Obama to placate that white, racist, blue-collar, factory worker Democrat demographic I got to know so very well in Detroit. Joe is basically the very last of the old school FDR style Democrats. They really didn't have a choice in 2020 but to go with Biden. All the other candidates were far too left and would have lost to Trump. 80 plus is probably too old for anybody to be President, dementia or not, and that thought comes from Jimmy Carter. But the Democratic Part is up shit creek and has no other viable options from here on out. They will be able to keep him pumped up on drugs to give the illusion of being cognitive for short periods, but that will only last so long, and it will be very hard to maintain in the long run. It will be 'Weekend at Bernies' from here on out. I am not too concerned though. Joe's handlers will keep him in check and away from any real responsibility in the next 4 years should he win.

Trump: There are so many stories about Trump I decided to go with a personal anecdote that sums up who he is perfectly. My brother was a sucker for every get rich quick scheme that ever came his way, and they came his way often. Con men know how to hunt these marks down once they fall for one scam. When my brother passed on, I found he had signed up for the Trump University Course on real estate investing on distressed and foreclosed urban properties. Now that is one of the very few things in life that I had some expertise in, and this course was 100% worthless bullshit. It was almost comical in its presentation, and I would have been laughing if my brother had not lost some serious coin signing up for it. Trump University eventually closed down under the crushing weight of too many class action lawsuits. Trump is really nothing but a scam artist with a trail of bad businesses going under behind him. He thrives on chaos, something his opposition doesn't quite understand. His appeal is truly a mystery to me and a little scary. I detect some dementia brewing in him also, though Trump has always been so inarticulate it is harder to detect. If age is an issue for Biden, it is for Trump too. He is no spring chicken either. Trump's business acumen is questionable also, with even a cursory investigation into his financial history. He started off with a huge inheritance in an era where it was hard to lose in real estate, particularly in NYC and Florida. In spite of that his failures and bankruptcies were legendary. Trump would not know a moral precept or Constitutional principle if it hit him on the head. He is a cartoon candidate for a cartoon electorate. I am not too concerned about Trump becoming the new Hitler though. Adolf was a political animal, fervently believed in his fucked-up ideology, and had people that stuck with him until the very end. Trump is more like a strip club barker or snake oil salesman. Notice how all his closest allies turn on him after a while. He really has no political convictions or moral code.

To end on a more optimistic note, one must remember the office of President does not have near the power we have been conditioned to believe it has. It is definitely the showbiz branch of government. Giving Presidents credit for any real change is probably an overstatement. And change in our society is always a lagging indicator that usually takes effect long after a President has left office. God bless the elite cartel that runs the Shadow Government, they have provided me with a very nice framework to live my life for over 70 years. They are my kind of people. I'd like to think someone is in charge other than what I see paraded before us. It makes for a more restful sleep at night knowing the Deep State is doing its job. I will be 73 by the time of the next election. I think we have a good ten years before the wheels come off totally. That should take me to where I can wheel out the S&W 357 and retire. I had the privilege of living in the USA during its very peak of empire. I am one lucky SOB.


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