I have always thought the wisest career move any rock star could make was becoming a member of the 27 Club. You are frozen forever in time at the very zenith of your creativity and youthful appeal, instead of living long enough to become a parody of yourself and a heritage act. For sure all the members of the 27 Club's best work were behind them when they exited stage left. I even question Bob Dylan's statement about “artists tend to write their best songs between the ages of 23 and 27”. I am apt to agree more with Pete Townshend's belief that the best rock music is made by unsigned, drunken 19-year-olds in garages. Back in the day I always went by the rule as soon as a band came out with a 'rock opera', or even a double album, it was probably time to bail.

Luckily, my complete lack of any natural talent in any of the performing arts saved me from this fate. Plus, I just know I would have been a condescending asshole to everyone once I got famous and died of drug overdose by 30. Heck, that is the best part of being famous. 


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