50 years ago I got my first of many VW's, a 54 bug that was a twin to this one. At just 32 hp it burned way less gas than my hulk of a 56 Plymouth Suburban V8 station wagon. It was one tiny car though, even smaller than the bugs that came after it. I can't imagine driving one on the road these days, though at the time I did not notice a huge deficit. That transmission was geared to get every ounce of performance out of that little sewing machine motor.

I was very lucky that my late brother-in-law, Mick, owned a garage that specialized in VW's. He got me this one. I probably would not have even had a car if not for his influence. One of my great memories of that time was being able to go down to his shop when it was closed on Sundays and change the oil and service my car in a professional garage with a real lift and all the tools. It was a shame this opportunity was wasted on a none car guy like me, but not really. I needed exposure to that side of life and it has helped me immeasurably since in dealing with auto mechanics. Plus I actually enjoyed the methodical process of servicing my car too.

The one pictured belongs to Billy Joe Armstrong of the band Green Day fame. They said they expect it to get between 30-35k for it at auction. They go for about 28k in mint condition, which mine was. They figure his may go for a little more because of the 'celebrity' connection. Hmmm...from the guy that fucked up punk rock? Oh well. You know you are getting old when all the junker cheap cars you had as a teenager are worth more than the cars you are driving now....


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