On the eve of my 73rd trip around the Sun I am feeling gratitude for obviously being one of the most fortunate and blessed people on this planet. I made it through, which is amazing enough. Here is the top 10 list of what I have learned so far in life as I teeter on the cusp of old age.

1. You will hit your peak in physical attractiveness and the body working at its highest efficiency at about 20-25. Then it will be a slow slide downhill. The best one hears in their 60's is: "Wow, you sure look good for that age! I thought you were in your 50's." or "I bet you were good looking when you were younger." Have a back up plan.
2. You don't need much stuff to live a happy and comfortable life. In fact too much stuff can actually be detrimental to that goal. I like to keep it where it will all fit in a compact car if need be. Want to resist the system, Johnny Rebel? Stop buying crap.
3.Change your engine oil as recommended in your owner's manual. They don't build cars like they used to. They build them better. You should be able to squeeze 200k out of any modern car.
4. Realize everybody is faking it to some degree. Keep that perspective in the back of your mind at all times and you will have an automatic psychological advantage in dealing with anyone in any situation.
5. Always make sure your income is bigger than your outgo, no matter how meager that income may be. Debt will kill you. Refer to #2
6. Move around as much as possible and eat more vegetables and fruit and less meat. Yes, we will all die anyway. I am not trying to live forever. I just don't want to spend too many years as a semi-invalid.
7. Experience is worth more than things. It is what makes memories. Things are just weights you have to take care of and lug around. Refer to #2.
8. You don't know enough to get too upset about politics. Just relax a bit and enjoy life. Unintended consequences will take care of many of your political worries. History teaches us this.
9. Try and make everyone you meet feel good. Everybody has something you can comment on, pretty hair, eyes, smile, voice or just you notice they are kind, etc. Even the biggest asshole in the world has something good going on. Look for it and comment on it. That is actually wise political advice too. Looking for good in people becomes a pleasant habit too. Plus you will get better service from them in business situations and they will be happy to see you coming.
10. Recreational drugs are bad for you. They are just masking something that is not quite right in your life. There comes a time to hang up the phone and stop looking at the shadows on the cave wall.
All the rest is just glitter on the cake.....


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