Waking up at 5 a.m. every day could improve your life—here’s how to make it work for you | Fortune Well
I have been getting up at 5 am for a couple of years now and this article rings true. My life was filled with jobs where I worked all kinds of strange hours for years and I never was a very good sleeper to begin with. Add to that caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, THC, and all the other REM sleep disrupters, and my natural sleep cycle took a hit. Once that my time was my own and I cleaned out my system, I decided to see if I could not regulate myself to establish a more natural circadian rhythm in tune with the rising and setting of the sun.

Getting up and seeing the Sun come online feels good. You just have a very deep feeling this was how we were designed to live. Plus, I dream like crazy now and can recall them in the morning. I have always thought of dreaming as the way the brain blows out its pipes and reboots at night. It has been a real gift to be able to sleep through the night at an age where so many have difficulty doing so. 


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