Is my phone listening to me? My story of the internet reading my mind. (

A long but meaty and well written article about how the internet has permeated our very psyche. I have noticed lately how much more sophisticated it has become. Now if I search a subject or read an article, I will get a barrage of links and pages devoted to whatever area of interest I was pursuing. That is not such a bad thing really. Mankind has been dispersing information for thousands of years. Printing presses and books for the masses was a pretty big deal too. It helped equalize the playing field.

I do wonder at times what it would be like if the power grid collapsed and suddenly everyone would be standing around staring at the blank screens of dead smart phones. Would the present edition of our species be able to survive without technology? Have we crossed a line as far as being cyborgs dependent on said technology? If there was an energy collapse, I am sure some long forgotten survival skills would ride to the forefront very quickly. We think we are so very special, but evolution has wiped the chalkboard clean many times before. 


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