Millennials aren't more ethical, they just want to be perceived as such - YouTube

“They’ve spent their entire adult lives only 280 characters away from being tweeted into oblivion”

What a great line from a show that I have never seen a full episode of it. The You Tube clips are complete in themselves.

Actually, this is sale's 101 and I was taught it by my real estate broker in Detroit. I learned more pragmatic wisdom in that two-week seminar than I did in my whole history of public education. Listening to someone very carefully and then parroting back what they said, though perhaps not as directly as done this scene for comic effect, is a very powerful sales tool. Politicians and con artists, though I repeat myself, have been using this psychological trick for centuries. The 'yeses' start coming easier once they get acclimated to hearing their own ideas coming out of someone else's mouth. It feeds their ego and creates some emotional connection. Everyone trusts and likes someone that agrees with them 100%.


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