Back in the early 80's minicomics had a brief flourishing as a shoe string art form. I did two of them and thought they had been lost in the dustbin of history, but I found one in an old book I was looking through last night.

This was before computers and all the sophisticated self publishing techniques that came with them. The idea was simple. Take a standard sheet of paper, fold it over two times, draw an image on each panel, take it to Kinkos and copy them, staple them together, and, voila, one has an 8 page comic book.
My theme on this one was to take a story out of the newspaper the day I was born and team it up with a rendition of a baby photo of me for each panel. There was quite an underground of minicomic traders back then and we would trade our comics. I had a huge collection that got lost in my brother's mess.
This is the cover and the baby picture it was based one. 'Pete Evans' became my alias and I turned myself into a little Buddha on the cover. I am thinking this would be a fun art form to get into again. I Googled it and it still looks like there is a bunch of folks still doing them even in this digital age, which pleasantly surprised me......


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