In searching for a meme with the theme of "Seventh Heaven" it seems like all I got was pictures from what appeared to be some horrible TV series that I luckily never saw. That and some Patti Smith. At least Patti will attract the 5 or 6 out there who never comment or like something unless it concerns music.

"Seventh Heaven" was a house on 7th Ave in Santa Cruz that I lived in briefly 40 years ago to the day. I had come back from LA and did one of my periodic clean-ups and had been sober as a judge for 6 months. I rented the house and got Chuck Morelli and his brother Michael as roommates, though I can't recall anybody ever paying any rent before we all moved out. I did get a motorcycle out of the deal from Chuck for his rent. And Chuck named the house "7th Heaven", so he paid his dues.
Punk rock was just getting its footing and in LA the year before I had met a girl that was a receptionist at the ABC Television Center who was into all the original LA punk bands in '76. I went with her to see the Flyboys, the Skulls, the Weirdos, etc. It was very fun and inspiring at the same time. That was one of the reasons I rented this house, to get a place that maybe I could put a band together. As it turned out that would not happen for awhile yet. Living in "Seventh Heaven" would yet again catapult me on an amazing cross country adventure instead.
We had an infamous house warming party where a good portion of the house was destroyed, as in punched out holes in the wall, collapsing floors, etc. And it sure felt good to be drinking, smoking and partying again. At 26 I was still keeping maturity and responsibility at bay. I made it through the first age gauntlet, bloodied but unbowed. Someone had to do it.
It just occurred to me that when Patti Smith was married to Fred 'Sonic' Smith she didn't have to change her last name.......


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