A little over 40 years ago I was waiting for my security supervisor's spot to open at the ABC-TV Television Center. In the meantime the guard company sent me to this building for a couple of weeks to tie me over with a job. This non-descript edifice was the Bank of America Data Center at 1000 West Temple in downtown LA.

I just asked to be put on a key run and left alone. The middle 3 floors that you see with the covered windows here were where the computers were. There were rows and rows of them on all 3 floors running constantly. One of my jobs was to keep checking the temperature of the rooms. It was incredibly hot. Hundreds of computers, each the size of a big fridge. I am betting my computer pro buddies Jeff and David could tell me what they were running in '78. I am sure they could put it all on one smart phone these days. I had only worked in the entertainment division and this was mighty boring.
I did get my personal taste of "Me Too!" here though. The site supervisor was the gayest man in the world. And I am not talking WeHo, hair dresser, Charles Nelson Reilly gay. I mean anal pounding, up to the elbows, huge mustached, Rob Halford on a Harley gay. He had stacked his guards with other card carrying FFA members he knew from the "Rusty Nail" bar and a few of their little sissy 'bitches'. I have never been propositioned so many times in my life from both ends, no pun intended. I even got weird phone calls at home. I got a taste of what a woman must go through at work in a hostile environment. Of course had it been women hitting on me that would have made it great! The difference between the sexes.
Finally I was out of there and back to the promised land of ABC and the good life. The gay supervisor's one claim to fame was being one of the very first men to die in LA when the "Gay Disease" hit in '81, later known as AIDS. I imagine it swept through that bunch like a forest fire. Safe sex was not even on their radar back then....


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