Just how bad is alcohol? Eight experts weigh in on the risks and supposed benefits of drinking (msn.com)

I remember a few years ago all the studies saying how good a couple of glasses of wine was for your health. It never quite made sense to me in a rational way, and I was always suspicious it was an advertising ploy to make all the soccer mom drunks feel good about slugging down alcohol. Now they are connecting alcohol to all kinds of cancer, even with light drinking. I am still thinking that any drug that makes you feel good is probably messing with your body negatively in other ways, robbing Peter to pay Paul so to speak.

Now I am still convinced that a little social drinking is probably OK, especially if one lives a pretty healthy lifestyle otherwise. Feeling a subtle glow and getting a little giggly occasionally I am sure has a few psychological benefits. In my case it was academic. I was a binge drinker and druggy. I was after transcendence and seeing how close I could get to the edge without falling off. Social and maintenance drinking had little allure for me. I think that made it easier to quit too. It turned drinking and drugging into an experience more than a habit. At any rate, I fused those connections permanently in my brain these days and can reach those states of consciousness with just sitting still and let the thoughts flow like a river. 


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