Mr. P.passed a few days ago at the facility at the age of 93. He just fell down and died. I waited to write this until I could talk with his son. I had even brought him up here before as a guy I never really worked with. His wife had asked me too, but when I checked in on him I realized it was too late for me to be of much help. The spouses are often looking at the situation with blinders on. I still went in to see him on my own when I was in the facility just to say hi. He was a very nice man.

Mr. P's life was like a history lesson on the 'Greatest Generation'. Born into a poor farm family in Pennsylvania, an alcoholic father who abandoned them, him working as the provider as a kid during the depression. From that background he managed to graduate from West Point, marry his high school sweet heart, serve as a Lt. in WW2 as head of the guard unit at the Nuremberg Trials, graduate top of his class from Yale Law School, become a partner in a 200 plus attorney, white shoe East coast law firm, where he spent 42 years, and serve as a congressman in his state.
Mr P.lived in 'The Villas', the free standing homes at the facility until he needed to go into skilled nursing. He had been one of the original ones when they first opened the place. His claim to fame was when the developer wanted to put in 3-story structures in 'The Villas'. Mr P. took on the whole law firm for the facility and gave them a lesson in how it is done and stopped the project when in his late 80's. They realized they were in for a fight with a formidable foe and abandoned the idea. He was just trying to protect his view of one of the lakes.
I got to Mr. P too late, but he did have one story in a book he wrote on his life that I loved. He was guarding Hans Frank, the Nazi installed governor of Poland during the war who was hung right after the the Nuremberg trials. Mr. P. spoke pretty good German, one of the reasons he was assigned to that position. He got to know Frank and asked him the night before he was going to be hung his thoughts. Frank replied, laughing, "If you are going to start a war, make sure you win it." Good show Mr.P. I am sorry I came a little too late. I would have enjoyed your company.......


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