2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf (project2025.org)

After seeing all the posts about the horrors of the 2025 Project, I decided to read all 900 pages myself. 2nd hand interpretations weren't cutting it. I can only handle a few pages per day, as it is pretty dry stuff. I will let you know when I run into anything shocking. To tell you the truth, I am betting I already know what 99% of it will sound like. The Heritage Foundation was around even when I was in college in the mid 70's. It became the blueprint for the Reagan years and the voice of the self-described 'Moral Majority' in the 80's. It was the first big deviation away from the more secular, intellectual, and libertarian based conservatism of Goldwater in the 60's. After he was trounced by LBJ in '64 they kind of threw him and his brand of conservatism overboard and brought Jesus on deck. 

Looks like Trump is doing everything in his power to paddle away from the Heritage Foundation folks as he follows the age-old adage of running to the middle during an election. That is one boogeyman he wants to get off his back. Trump is not a true conservative; he is an opportunist and a con man. He will ride any horse that gives him attention and power. The official position the Heritage Foundation had on Trump before he won the 2016 election was "He is not a conservative. Donald Trump's a clown. He needs to be out of the race." Now they have to play to the room. 

As I always bring up, our republic is still pretty robust. Wholesale change is hard to get accomplished and the system was designed to insure that. It is always amazing how little really changes no matter who is president, and many of those changes are lagging indicators from previous administrations. Our biggest problem is still the dumbing down of the electorate on both the left and the right. The rational middle is atrophying. We may have become a victim of our own success. People have a hard time with having too much freedom. It makes them nervous and itchy. But I think we have enough tread left to take me to my 80's if I live that long, and that is the important thing. The kids can do whatever they want after that.


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