Honest Political Ads - Gil Fulbright for Senate - YouTube
Well, the reality show has been cast and I am mentally gearing up for the next three nauseating months of campaigning. Luckily none of the people running for president this year is on the BlackRock Board of Directors. It is comforting to know some competent people still run the show. If the current presidential hopefuls had the potential to really call the shots, this would be scary. I do miss presidential candidates being articulate and speaking in full sentences, even if there is no substance in what they are saying. They don't even pretend to be smart anymore. I can't even listen to any of the new crop for over a minute without getting stomach cramps. If the Good Lord had wanted us to vote he would have given us viable candidates. At my age looks like I can surf out the rest of this wave and not get closed out on, the beauty of looking at life as a point break and counting the sets.


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