I have never been much into woo-woo stuff considering I was raised in Santa Cruz, California, the belly of the beast for alternative medicine. However, being brought up in Christian Science gave me a healthy respect for the placebic effect. I am pretty sure the placebic effect plays a huge roll in the efficacy of allopathic medicine too. I remember the Haitian CNAs I worked with at the geriatric facility in Florida giving patients Tic Tacs if they were acting up, while explaining it was a med that would help them relax. And it worked. They also taught me that corn starch worked better that expensive, doctor ordered ointments to clean up genital rashes.

The first thing I do every morning is swish with coconut oil. No doubt it makes your teeth whiter and freshens up morning breath for sure. I psychologically envision it flushing the 'toxins' from my body at the same time. Hey, in the Quantum Universe anything is possible, and I know there will be no unwanted side effects down the road, unlike with many big pharma meds. As the Hippocratic Oath states, "First do no harm". A lot of doctors have forgotten that creed. Not much money in it.

Why I Swish Coconut Oil In My Mouth: Oil Pulling (msn.com)

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