
Showing posts from August, 2022
 More wisdom generated by AI. Humans just don't make memorable quotes like they used to. I am finding machine generated quotes to be more thoughtful and intelligent. Speaking of. The first thing one learns in studying United States governmental political science is presidents don't have near the power the general public believes they do. That is how our government was designed, to dilute that power of the executive branch and keep despots at bay. In many ways presidents are the head cheerleader for their respective parties, the showbiz division of politics. They do have the bully pulpit, a term popularized by the king of populist U.S. presidents, Theodore Roosevelt, who used his very successfully. They set the tone and reflect the aspirations of the country ideally. If I believed the last two Presidents in office had as much power as we are led to believe, I would be a little nervous, but they don't. The true power lies deep within entrenched bureaucracies that evolve and c
 I believe the most important lesson life has taught me so far is how bad things can turn into good things once you get some distance and perspective on any situation. The key is learning something from bad experiences and always being available for new opportunities opening up in the middle of dire circumstance. Hurricanes, divorces, financial disasters, and a web of a thousand other things and people got me to where I am today, and it is a very good place. Rational awareness can be an amazing crowbar when stuck in a tight spot.
 My last wife and my hobby were going to marriage counselors. I believe we must have hit every one of them in suburban Detroit. She knew most of them by first name from her first two marriages. Her company's health insurance paid for it, so I just went along for the ride. In looking back, it was fairly entertaining. This quote certainly hits the mark as far as my experience went. Each session with each counselor seemed to follow a similar pattern. I would let my wife bitch and moan about me until the counselor realized she was bat shit crazy. Then the counselor would give us some solid advice that made perfect sense, but my wife would not like it. She would get mad and set up an appointment with a different counselor.  My wife finally hit pay dirt with a lesbian counselor who hated men. Her redeeming feature was she was pretty hot, like the cute tom boy shortstop on a women's parks and recreation softball team. She had that Rachel Maddow snotty, smug, know-it-all dyke thing goi
 There is a distinct difference between 'scientific method' and 'scientism'. "Believe the science.", "Follow the science.", "Science is truth.", and on and on. I see these platitudes all day long in the media. You could replace the word science with Jesus and not miss a beat. 'Scientism' even has a professional class of clergy from the 'showbiz' division of science in the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye the science guy, the late Cosmos Carl 'billions and billions' Sagan, and many more from the world of vapid TV entertainment. The one thing they all do possess is enough 'I am the smartest guy in the room' smugness to irritate me right off the bat. Taking observations on science from someone who wears ties and vests depicting the solar system always makes me a little skeptical. The other problem is the politization and monetization of science. It is almost a catch 22, as science these days requires huge