
Showing posts from August, 2023
 I have grown spiritually since I first posted this. Now I do appreciate how difficult it is for others to be as amazing as I am.....
This did not work with my first wife, the Native American princess. She could throw a blade with uncanny accuracy just to keep me on my toes. She could also walk around and not make a sound. I was in a perpetual state of high alert...….  
  This works with people too....
  Add to that the phenomenon of memories becoming more 'golden' with age. I have never been much for nostalgia. I am pretty good about remembering the bad times from any particular era too. One habit I do have is I like to review where I was in life decade by decade ago from whatever date it is today, hence 2012, 2002, 1992, etc. I posted many of these remembrances on Facebook when my page was a more happening place. I try and think of the lessons I learned from that particular time and how they relate to my present life. I will also see if I can hunt down people from those years using all the searching technologies that we have at our disposal today. More and more are ending up dead. One thing that habit has taught me is the little things in life that can have tremendous affect at pivoting one's life completely around. Some of the most insignificant incidences of my life turned out to have huge consequences in retrospect. And how negatives can turn into positives and visa/
  More wisdom from AI, though this one is real normal. When I sold real estate we had one guy in the office who was a retired minister who told me what was going to happen in the end times. The true believers would ascend and leave a little pile of ash behind while the sinners would suffer the apocalypse immediately after that. We used to laugh and tell him he had better stay in the office so we knew when Jesus had come back down those golden stairs for the end times. He would have been the only one creating a pile of ash in that office. Unfortunately, the minister's real estate career was short. The devil had a monopoly on Detroit estate practice.....
 More profound wisdom from AI via Inspirobot. Robots are doing all the good writing and thinking lately. Humans just trade memes, videos, and bad political commentary. I wake up every morning relishing and rolling around in Life's pointlessness. I knew if I stayed true to this belief, which I have entertained since high school, it would pay off someday. It works extra good towards the end of life when all our illusions become frayed and tattered around the edges. Plus, the folks that have points in life often use them to poke other folks who have different points. Best to keep sharp objects, both physical and metaphysical, out of peoples' hands if possible. I prefer people just sit down, relax, get addicted to a Netflix mini-series, and stay the fuck off my lawn.
I almost envy the folks who have a simple, real faith in God and a hereafter. It does make life and death simpler. But, if there is a God, I can't imagine any bigger transgressive sin than faking belief in him, so that gives me few options. Often people think I am of a religious nature because I paint the Virgin of Guadalupes. Usually, I let it go if it isn't brought up. A few people who have purchased them know I am agnostic, but it doesn't seem to be a deal breaker, as long as a priest blesses it to cleanse it of any sins that I may have imbued upon it during creation. I have a couple of female Facebook Friends who are Mormons. They just showed up one day and I accepted them. I realized they were in Las Cruces doing their missionary work and were befriending all kinds of degenerate looking folks on Facebook in hopes of flipping a few into the Lord's camp. They are fresh faced, bright eyed, and bushy tailed, and I enjoy seeing simple professions of faith popping up bet