
Showing posts from October, 2024
 My goal in my personal mediation is to flatline with no imagery or sensory input whatsoever. I look at it as a very secular process, a clearing of the cache and rebooting for the day.  If there is one thing that we have plenty of it is imagery force-fed us by the media. Our minds are like a Netflix channel 24/7 as it is. Our attention is now a commodity. If I want to see images of the Buddha I will book a table at the nearest Benihana's restaurant. 
  Death Doesn't Exist And May Just Be An Illusion, According To Quantum Physics ( I am beginning to like this Biocentrism perspective. It is pretty much a perfect fit for what I have come up with organically as just another slob on the bus who never figured out algebra and science classes were just one fucking long hour in high school. It has just enough scientific pizzazz to sound cool yet negates the fearful aspects of religious faith and guys in robes saying scary stuff they just make up. Dr. Lanza appears to be a pretty smart guy too and discovered all kinds of stuff in medicine. For sure he is smarter than I am, and I am betting he can do himself some pretty fancy ciphering.  It all goes back to my core belief that everything we know has to be filtered through our own consciousness and five puny senses. Einstein has even referenced the 'Hard Problem' in several instances, and nobody was smarter than him. We are all guessing at the end of the day.
  The 10 Best Yoga Poses To Do Every Day, According To The Pros ( I was never a very good hippie considering I was raised in the heartland of hippiedom at the height of its gestation period. I was pretty good at the taking drugs part and growing fashionably long hair, but most of the spiritual and political stuff didn't take root in my brain. I remember when Yoga first got popular and dating a girl who actually taught it, but I never paid it much attention. Then it became a fad with middle class housewives in the 80's along with all the other exercise routines that rode on the back of everyone owning VHR machines and the popularity of exercise tapes. I have an exercise routine and walk my 10k steps per day, but neither of those activities target range of motion as effectively as yoga does. If there is one thing I learned as a geriatric CNA it is that once you can't get up off the floor on your own without clinging to furniture you are on your way down that slippe
  Most US Teens Use Generative AI. Most of Their Parents Don’t Know | WIRED When the Chatbots started showing up awhile back I felt it was one of those huge turning points in the interaction between technology and humanity. Now when I search anything Bing's Chatbot automatically pops up on the right with a concise and well written treatise on the subject, even somewhat apologizing it did not know more about it. The writing is getting better and better too and has a warmth it was missing just a few short months ago. As an official old man now, I don't have a clue how school even works these days? It certainly couldn't resemble the educational model I was raised on. I find it amusing and ironic that one of the tools to detect if students are using AI to help them write is an AI program. The foxes are guarding the henhouse.